Place where I turn long, complicated, and complex information into short, precise, and insightful stories!

Know More About me


A data-science enthusiast and dedicated worker!

Hello, I'm Long, a passionate student with a passion for learning and exploration. I find my greatest joy in working with data analysis and data engineering, and you can discover more about my journey on this portfolio website.

My Latest Projects

Exploratory Analysis & Customer Segmentation

Ecommer Customer Analysis And Segmentation

Performed statistical analysis and customer segmentation for E-commerce relational datasets to divide customers into different groups using Principal Component Analysis and K-means then analyzed these groups to improve sales.

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Data Visualization and Deep Learning Models

Ding Tai Fung: Bussiness Results Visualization

Constructed 10 pages of Power BI dashboards to visualize financial, human resources, and e-commerce and applied 3 DeepLearning Models including RandomForestClassifier, LabelEncoder, and FBProphet to enhance accuracy of Human Resources, Sales, and Marketing analysis and predictions.

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Web Scraping

Job Market Analysis: Web Scraping Indeed.com

This project involves using Python and Selenium to scrape job postings from Indeed and perform data analysis to extract insights about the job market for data engineers to identify the companies that are hiring the most, determine the distribution of job titles to determine the most in-demand roles on the market.

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Database Design

PetFinder Database Design

Designed a database for PetFinder dataset by normalizing the dataset using snowflake schema constructing ETL pipelines by SQLSeverMangetmentStudio and SQLServerIntegrationServices.

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Interactive Visualizations

Gaming Market Dashboard

Implemented Plotly and Dash packages in Python to construct a variety of interactive dashboards that visualize gaming market during the recent 40 years.

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